HOPE’s Mission
HOPE is a multi-issue, grassroots, community organization consisting of 29 multicultural and interfaith member congregations throughout Hillsborough County, Florida.
HOPE’s mission is to promote justice, fairness, and the dignity of people — by engaging and training community members to effectively act together to achieve long-term solutions to serious community problems impacting our families and neighbors.
Micah 6:8
“What does God require of you, but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Quran 5:8
“Be just, for this is close to righteousness…”
Matthew 23:23-24
“You tithe your mint, dill, and cumin, yet you have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith.
These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.”
Unitarian Universalist Principle
“Affirm and promote… justice, equity and compassion in human relations.”
HOPE’s Vision
The works of justice, mercy, and walking humbly are central to all of our faith traditions.
We take walking humbly seriously as many of us attend service at least 52 times a year, have scriptural studies, meditations, retreats, etc.
As individuals and congregations, we are also very good at acts of mercy — helping individuals in need like volunteering at the food pantry, mentoring children, or delivering food to the homebound.
Yet, when it comes to justice, as individuals and individual congregations, we don’t do it as well because we can’t do it alone. We need power to change big institutions like the criminal justice system, affordable housing system, mental health system. Our power is in large numbers of organized people. So, HOPE unites congregations across the Hillsborough County to work together to create long-term systemic changes in our community.
All of our congregations share a vision to turn out their average worship attendance to the Nehemiah Action, which is where unite over 1,300 people with decision to win commitments to implement prioritized solutions. Because if they can bring thousands of people together 52 times a year to practice walking humbly, that same number can come out once a year for justice.